The Truth is Our Guiding Beacon
Our individual Missions, grounded on the background from which each comes, with our personal history, heritage, cultural belief systems and more, is dedicated in Gratitude unending and complete towards the Source of All, filling our hearts, minds, and souls with profound and reverent thanks.
We respect each communicant's Quest for fulfillment through harmonious and resonant Frequency, Actualized honest intentionality, loving Consciousness, and Truth.
Therefore, we embrace the melding of physical and metaphysical stewardship of this earth.
In gratitude to the Source Of All, we believe that whatever we choose, our choices should be those that are beneficial to life on earth and motivated by Lovingkindness.
Our beliefs are simple: Being harmless and respecting Informed Consent, we stay conscious of what is best for ourselves, all loved ones, all species, and this blessed planet, Mother Earth.
Communicating our Beliefs through our Expressive Association.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"

Have you ever wanted to expand your knowledge for the greater good of humanity? Lightwing Center offers guidance, training, and certification to holistic practitioners looking to gain knowledge & experience in the field.
Our anointing techniques are done only with Young Living essential oils. With worldwide farms and laboratories for the soil content and twenty tests of every batch of essential oils, we have believed Young Living has the highest standards in the field.
We offer all the tools and techniques you need to spread the rejuvenating benefits of aromatherapy, the art of the usage of essential oils, intuition, laying on of hands and much more. Our loyal animal companions are also in need of stress relieving support and wellness. Lightwing Center is conscious of animals and their unspoken stress and ailments. Come to us to learn how to help pets live a long and satisfying life.
With our world filled with constant stressors, enjoying the lives we are privileged to have before us is often postponed. But everyone is capable of improving their quality of life and using their gifts and services to assist others in doing the same. Here at Lightwing Center we are firm believers of this and proudly offer courses and certification classes to help you reduce stress and bring light to, not only your own life, but to the lives of those around you as well.
Lightwing Center is a 501c3 nonsectarian religious institution helping to educate those who wish to learn about physical and mental health and wellness. We hold a passion for helping others and want to pass this on to you! That's why Lightwing Center offers courses for minister ordination. Becoming an ordained minister practitioner allows you the sought after spiritual benefits of supporting the mind, body and spirit. Many states have specific statutes in massage, nursing and/or physician licensing boards that forbid others in work with “energy, touch, and healing.”
Becoming an ordained minister differs from all other ordinations and you will always have a safety net with us.
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
Contact Us
Lightwing Center
P.O. Box 1132,
Denville, NJ 07834
Ph: 973-586-3936
Fx: 973-627-4285