Welcome to the Life Celebration Package!

We offer this to Lightwing Center Ordained Holistic Practitioners who would like to expand or enhance their service to the world, in officiating at weddings, baby blessings, and memorial services.
This package of material may offer guidance and inspiration.
This material has been gathered from 41 years of services conducted by Rev. Dick and Rev. Nancy Weber, co-trustees of Lightwing Center.
Compose Your Own Wedding Ceremony
A 100 pages source book sent by email as a PDF and one hard copy mailed. Additionally, you will receive a PDF and a hard copy of the ceremony contract.
Couples may use this to construct their special personal marriage ceremonies.
It includes sample ceremonies followed by six chapters:
- Opening statements
- Vows exchanged including I Do & Repeat After the Officiant
- Ring exchange including engagement ring and Blessings
- Readings, poetry & prayers
- Closings, Benedictions & Affirmations
- Special additions including children, family, remembrance, gift giving and so much more.

Compose Your Own Baby Blessing Source Book

26 pages sent via email as a PDF and one book by mail along with one baby blessing contract.
It includes multi cultural ideas, varied traditions and beliefs.
- Opening remarks
- Rituals and more including family, grandparents, children, friends and more
- Presentation of parents
- Readings
- Guests invited to speak
- God Parents, Spiritual Parents
- Closing Blessings
- Sample Ceremonies
Email package also includes:
- Slide presentation on the how to’s for all life celebrations including legal responsibilities
- Sample Memorials (we do not use contracts for these)
- Wedding brochure pdf
Cost - $125 free shipping
There are four ways to purchase and pay for the set:
Option 1:
Pay by Check
Make the check payable to:
Lightwing Center
27 Bald Nob Road
Denville, NJ 07834
Memo check: Life Celebration Pack & specify color of Baby Blessing book cover
Option 2:
Pay by Paypal
Please include your phone number and mailing address or email it to us once you have made payment.
Option 3:
Credit Card
If you don’t have a PayPal account, use the button at the button of the page and you can pay with any Credit Card.
Option 4:
Call w/CC
To pay with a CC Call Sue Freeman at 862-222-4268
NOTE: Please include your current mailing address and phone number however you pay, we may have questions.
You can print your own books or have a local store print them. Here is what we charge to print more books.
The Wedding books are 10 for $100
The Baby Blessing books are 10 for $50
Call for any further information 973-586-3936
Pay with any credit card at the button below: